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© 2024, Rawfit

Valentine Rawat Rawfit Coach

My own strength training journey started when I was around 7 years of age, after having watched Bruce Lee’s movie, the one where he travels to Rome and fights Chuck Norris at the colosseum. I wanted to be like him. Also it helped that both my mum and dad were physically strong. I remember getting my first set of York dumbbell and barbell set at the age 12. Now in my mid 40s training is a part of my life. York dumbbells have now progressed to some more professional equipment but I still train from home. My set up is not perfect but I make it work for me. 

Although on paper I may come across as someone very dedicated, I have at times, in fact many times fallen off the wagon like many of us do and had to start from scratch again. My fitness journey has undulated over the years. It never really gets easy. But boy its worth it, to feel strong, move with ease and now be able to inspire my own daughters to play and be strong. We have created a creed for us, Be Brave, Be Strong, Have Fun & Do it cause you love it. You may not love training now, but there will be aspects of it that you will appreciate as you yourself get stronger and feel the full benefits or more energy along with movement of freedom. 

My training journey has evolved along the way. The early days my focus was in martial arts, and I studied many different styles. Then I discovered bodybuilding and pursed that for many years which was preceded by Crossfit and Kettlebells. I fell in love the kettlebells and Crossfit not so much but it opened my eyes to different theories and methodology. My training style is very hybrid in its essence. I advocate starting with where you are and with what you have, we always have our bodies. Bye in large, I promote training from home or as close to home or your work place as possible. We are all unique in many ways and also so similar to many that walk on this planet. Our bodies function in many different planes and respond to different stimuli. Your experience and your past have moulded your mind, behaviours and habits. There’s a lot to who you are. 

Oh I haven’t introduced myself properly (as properly as you can on a web page as you can), my name is Valentine Rawat, Val for short. I would say I am career certified personal trainer, strength coach, certified sports nutritionist, weight/fat loss management, and post rehab specialist. I’ve officially been crafting my art since 1999. All that I teach and my training style reflects my background in a diverse range of fitness disciplines, fusing together training styles such as Olympic lifts, kettlebell training, martial arts, yoga, sports-specific and speed-agility training, and specialised training for post-rehab and corrective exercise clients.

Working with me you can be reassured that you are not getting a taskmaster or young buck who is looking for fame and fortune on social media. Instead I will enthuse you to go beyond what you may consider your current limitation. 

I look forward to working with you in person or remotely in the virtual world. Please feel free to get in touch to arrange your consultation and ask all the questions you may have. 

Alongside my formal education and a lifetime of competitive sports and a genuine hunger for health, fitness and strength allows me to provide a very individualised training both indoor and outdoor facility. Whichever approach is taken it is dynamic, depending entirely on the your current requirements, utilising various tools such as Kettlebells, Olympic Bars, Gymnastic Rings, Resistance Bands to many other unconventional equipment. Rawfit grew out very basic facilities and hence I have had to adapt training to fit that. Thinking outside the box has been key over my entire training career. Current client list is varied from those wanting weight/fat loss – to athletes pursing their disciplines from; MMA, Football, Rugby, Triathlon/Iron Man, to even one individual Rowing SOLO across the Atlantic Ocean for the Talker Whiskey Challenge in 2019. I am here to provide my service to your individual need and goals. If I don’t consider myself the right fit for you I will be sure to inform you of that. You are my number one priority.

Continuing Education:

Learning never stops and is part of life to me. Alongside continuous reading of latest research papers both in strength & conditioning to nutrition and not neglecting human psychology and philosophy, I also attend workshops from worlds top trainers/coaches and continues with obtaining formal certification:

  • Certified Nutritionist by Precision Nutrition Int.: Scientifically proven system, has been tested with nearly 100,000 clients. Plus it’s been validated in 3 separate peer-reviewed scientific publications.
  • Andy Bolton 1-2-1 Workshop on Powerlifting and Strength Training (
  • MMA Conditioning and Speed Training Seminar with Coach Martin Rooney Training for Warriors ( and Parisi School of Speed (
  • Certified Kettlebell Instructor MAXBELLS – Steve Maxwell Strength & Conditioning (
  • Certified Kettlebell Teacher International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation ( 2010 under Steve Cotter.
  • Russian Kettlebell Training Seminar with Coach Andrew Stemler London Crossfit

Martial Arts:

  • Grappling studying under instructor Dave Shaw and Steve Gaulton 
  • Jeet Kune Do (JKD), Keysi Fighting Method (KFM), Progressive Fighting System (PFS), Jiu-Jitsu studied under Sifu John Hands
  • Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu studied under Dave and Ian Butlin 
  • Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Seminar with Sifu Rick Faye
  • Combat Submission Wrestling (CSW) Seminar with Erik Paulson


Relevant Academic Education:

Diploma in Holistic Therapy, Thomas Danby College Leeds

Diploma (VTCT) in Anatomy & Physiology, First Aid (Sports First Aid St. Johns Ambulance), Health and Safety, Swedish, Remedial/Deep Tissue Massage Techniques, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone Therapy, and Indian Head Massage


University of East London:

Certified Future Fit Personal Trainer & Advanced Instructor Level 3 (REPS)

Certified in Sport and Recreation S/NVQ Level 2, Coaching, Teaching and Instructing in the following:

Circuit Training

Torso Training and Core Stability

Nutrition and Weight Management

Sports Nutrition

Goal Setting – Mind Setting

Psychological preparedness

Toning – strength gain & fat loss

Core conditioning

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Strength & Conditioning Training

Olympic Lifting

Power Lifting





Sports Specific Training

Fitness testing

Lifestyle coaching

Relaxation Techniques


“Valentine is unquestionably one of the best personal trainers and physical therapist in the UK. He is a master of fitness motivation and possesses a rare combination of deep fitness knowledge and a terrific ability to communicate what will change your perspective on fitness. His insights are highly valued by the fitness industry and now in the media, and his live presentations and workshops are not to be missed. In Jan 2012 Valentine was hired for SKY1 show Obese: A YEAR TO SAVE MY LIFE as the personal trainer for Jack Gorny and with expert guidance lost close to 12 stones. Following his success with Jack, he was recalled for the second series to train Sarah Le Broq in a show called FAT: A FIGHT FOR MY LIFE.” Eyeworks Production Team

I love what I do and the most rewarding part of what I do is seeing my clients transform themselves both mentally and physically. Helping them get stronger and notice their new found confidence to excel in their daily lives and their chosen sports, that is when I know I am on the right path. But in order to get there there will be some suffering. Meaningful achievement takes time, effort, hard work, consistency, persistence, patience, getting up & turning up. Some of the toughest badass men and women I have met have suffered a great deal in order to reach their goals. On this road to success, you will have to cross the bridge of failure from time to time. But all this will be rewarded I promise you that.