Birthday Gift to Myself
Men stop comparing yourself to 20 year old lads in their prime and injury free. Ladies stop comparing yourself to 20 year old girls who are not all together that…
Dynamic Strength Endurance Circuit
Dynamic Warm-ups Then: 60 seconds on Punch Pad Drills/Heavy Punch Bag Work + 6x KB TGU 24kg (3 each side) + 30 seconds of Double KB Clean 24kg+ 20x Alternate KB…
Bodyweight Workout for Strength AND Power
SMR + Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Supersets 1: Split Squats + Pike Press-ups/Handstand Press-ups + Rest 4 sets 60seconds per exercise including rest Supersets…
Ring Strength Work
Upper Body Dynamic Warm-ups Then: 5 sets 5x Rings Pull-ups + 5x Ring Dips Then: 5 sets 5x Ring Flyes (slow and controlled) and hold for count of 5 + 5x Ring Rollouts…