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September 2009

Wednesday Workout 30-9-09

Wednesday’s workout Dynamic Warm-ups Then: Band Split Romanian Deadlift + Band Bent Over Row + Band High Pull + Band Hammer Curls + Band Squat and Over Head…

Valentine Rawat 30/09/2009

Importance of Breathing Correctly

Breath is the essence of life. Sometimes it takes slap on your ass (new born) to get you going. Here is a great video from Denis Kanygin, Technical Advisor to IKFF……

Valentine Rawat 30/09/2009

Tuesday WOD 29-9-09

Tuesday Dynamic Warm-ups Then: 10 x Mountain Climber Pull-ups + 20 x Hammer work on Tires Left & Right + 800 meters Sprint 5 rounds. Rest as and when.

Valentine Rawat 29/09/2009

Monday WOD 28-9-09

Monday Workout of the day Dynamic Warm-up Then: KB Manmaker (Clean + Front Squat + Jerk + Press up + Renegade Row + Burpees) 1 round of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 reps…

Valentine Rawat 28/09/2009

Sunday WOD 27-9-09

Tabata Sunday WOD Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Tabata Protocol 8 x 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest KB Push Press Then: Wide Grip Pull-ups Then: Press-ups Then:…

Valentine Rawat 27/09/2009

Saturday 26-9-09

1 hour of Hatha Yoga Flexibility and suppleness is as important as strength and conditioning work. It should be key to add yoga of sort to your weekly sessions or…

Valentine Rawat 26/09/2009

Friday WOD 25-9-09

Friday’s Workout Dynamic Warm-up Then: 30 x KB Swing + 3 minutes Skipping + 1 minute Rest Three Rounds Then: 15x Ball Slam + 3 minutes Rope undulation + 1…

Valentine Rawat 26/09/2009

Thursday WOD 24-9-09

Thursday WOD 24-9-09 Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5 rounds to max reps of Body weight Bench Press + Pull-ups + Body weight Back Squats Then: Cool down and stretch

Valentine Rawat 26/09/2009

Wednesday WOD 23-9-09

Wednesday WOD 23-9-09 Dynamic Warm Then: Perform 1 rep every 30 seconds for 10 minutes KB Single Hand Swing + Clean + Squat + Press + Snatch Change hand. Once completed…

Valentine Rawat 24/09/2009

Tuesday 22-9-09

Tuesday WOD Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 10 x Incline 80 Steps (Hill 60 Roundhay, Leeds) Sprints – Jog back to recover 5 minutes rest Then: 10 x Jump Squats…

Valentine Rawat 23/09/2009

Monday 21-9-09

Monday 21-9-09 WoD Dynamic Warm-ups Then: Body Weight exercises First timers 5 x 5 reps – Intermediates 7 x 7 reps – Advanced 10 x 10 reps Iranian Twisting…

Valentine Rawat 22/09/2009

Sunday GNR 20-9-09

Great North Run Nathan Tipple one of RAWFIT athlete going for his personal best today at the Great North Run 13 miles… Dynamic Warm-up Then: KB Swing + KB…

Valentine Rawat 20/09/2009

Friday Body Weight 18-9-09

5:50 Press-ups Pull-ups One Leg Squat Chin-ups Ring Dips Complete 50 reps in each exercise with minimal rest. This can be all in one go or break into a circuit format…

Valentine Rawat 18/09/2009

Wednesday Strength Work 16-9-09

Strength Work Dynamic Warm-up Then: 2 x 32kg Kettlebells Single handed Suitcase Deadlift (L+R) 5 rounds – 6 reps Then: 15 x Kettlebells High Pulls (L+R) +…

Valentine Rawat 17/09/2009

Tuesday Tabata 15-09-09

Tuesday Session “All Tabata” Warm-up Then: Tabata Protocol 8 x 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 1. Sprint 2. KB Swings 3. KB Front Squat 4. KB Over Head…

Valentine Rawat 16/09/2009

Monday WOD 14-9-09

24kg Kettlebells Push Press 10 x 1 minute work, 1 minute rest

Valentine Rawat 15/09/2009
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