Monday Density Blocks 30-11-09
Monday 30-11-09 Density Blocks Training Dynamic Warm Then: Main workout 5 minutes Skipping/Spot Sprints Bastards Crab Walks Rest 2 minutes 4 minutes Skipping/Spot…
Sunday 29-11-09
Sunday 29-11-09 REST DAY…
Saturday Strength 28-11-09
Saturday 28-11-09 Strength Warmup Then: Pyramid Sets Work up to Heavy Deadlift and then back to light Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2-1-2-4-6-8-10 Rest appropriately between…
Fat burning: how working out in the cold can reduce your fat levels
Fat burning: how working out in the cold can reduce your fat levels Exercising in the cold air can help hot up your fat-burning fires. As the weather gets colder,…
Friday Barbell Strength Work 27-11-09
Friday 27-11-09 Barbell Strength Work Warm-up Then: 2×20 Front Squats (Light) 3×15 Front Squats (50-60%max) 2×8 Front Squats (Max that you can clean)…
Thursday 26-11-09
Thursday 26-11-09 Interval Circuit Training Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Swings + Kettlebell Push Press (uneven weight 20kg and 24kg) Rope Undulation + Resistance Band…
Wednesday 25-11-09
Wednesday 25-11-09 Strength Warm-up Then: 3×20 Body weight Squats 2×10 Body weight Jump Squat 2×20 Body weight Low Jumping Lunges Then: Deadlift work…
Tuesday 24-11-09
Tuesday 24-11-09 Strength Endurance… Dynamic Warmup Then: Main Work Barbell Hang Cleans 50% max+ Kettlebell Single Leg Steps ups + Single Kettlebell or plate…
Monday 23-11-09
Monday 23-11-09 Kettlebell Complex and Functional Core Workout Warm-up: Kettlebell Swing Then: 20 x Kettlebell Push-up to L-Hold + 20 x Bastards to KB Clean and…
Sunday 22-11-09
Sunday 22-11-09 Today is a day for Active Rest. Basically active rest is lighter, less demanding and generally performed at a lower level of intensity. Active rest…
Saturday 21-11-09
Saturday 21-11-09 Sprint Training… Choose a Flat ground or Hill Sprints or Steps… Objective: to improve maximum speed Suitable for: sprinters and all…
Friday 20-11-09
Friday 20-11-09 Day of Rest
Thursday 19-11-09
Thursday Session 19-11-09 Warm up: 50 x KB Swing Then main work: 5 x 10 each arm 32kg Kettlebells Jerks Then: 50 x Close Grip Press-ups Then: Cool down and stre…
Wednesday 18-11-09
Wednesday Session 18-11-09 Warm-up Then: 5 rounds 1 minute per exercise Kettlebell Swing + Rope Undulation + Kettlebell High Pulls + Lateral Bounding + Medicine…
No Excuses Matt Scott
Do you really have an excuse for not doing your training or whatever else it is in life that you want to do? Answer that seriously. Home: Detroit, Michigan Birthday:…
Kettlebell Training In The Age Of Quarrel DVD Trailer
Here is a sneak preview of a new Mahler’s Aggressive Strength LLC production Kettlebell Training In the Age Of Quarrel 5 DVD set!…