Quick Kettlebell & Bodyweight Training
While I wait for a client and the sun is shine it would be rude not to get some daily movement in. Here's what unmanaged in 10mins Band Pull Aparts x20 Band…
Kettlebell Workouts
Kettlebell workouts wеrе аll the rage last уеаr аnd thіѕ уеаr іt looks as іf the trеnd wіll continue. Its not a fad and has predated a lot training…
Burpees Free Zone - Just Kidding
Q&As What’s the one best exercise to lose weight? What exercises should I do if I don’t have access to a gym? What’s the best exercise for…
Movember Training Month
So I have decided to grow a mustache for Movember. If you are not familiar with Movember then its what is responsible for sudden growth spurt of hair under your…
5 weeks get super strong training progamme
5 weeks get super strong training programme is strength and conditioning programme to get you super strong and super lean. Now, yes it is a 5 week programme but…
Workout of the Week - Kettlebell Metcon 101
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise, 15/30 seconds rest Double Handed Swings 6 point Burpees Then: 3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise,…
Workouts of the Week
Another week another set of workouts completed but the hunger still remains. Now for a Prelude Monday Solo: Warm-up Then: 8 x Bench Press + 20 x Box/Bench Jumps…
Strength - Sports Specific
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 3×5 DB or KB Single Arm Snatch Rest 2/3 minutes between each set Then: 3×8 DB Bench Press + 3×8 DB Rear Leg Elevated Squat Rest…
Ring Strength Work
Upper Body Dynamic Warm-ups Then: 5 sets 5x Rings Pull-ups + 5x Ring Dips Then: 5 sets 5x Ring Flyes (slow and controlled) and hold for count of 5 + 5x Ring Rollouts…
Upper Body Strength Training
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 2×8 Bench Press Close Grip 3×8 Bench Press Neutral Grip 4×8 Chin-ups 2×8 Dumbbell One Arm Row 3×10 Barbell Curls 3×8…
Super Strength Session
Dynamic Warm-up Mobility Drills Then: Work up to (todays) heavy Deadlift – Must preform a minimum of 2 reps per weight Then: 3×5 Deadlift @65% Max 2×3…
Tuesday Strength Session
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 2×10 sets of each using light weight as a part of a movement warm-up 5×5 Deadlifts @60-70% max 5×3 HIT Floor Chest…
Squat followed by Deadlift Training Session
Squat and Deadlift Strength Session Dymanic Warm-up Then: 2×15 BB (no weight) Squat 5×3 BB Squat 65%Max Then: 5×3 Deadlift (increase weight each set – close…
Upper Body Max Effort
Upper Body Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5×5 Weighted Pull-ups – 20kg vest 5×5 Close-grip Floor Chest press – 60kg Rest 1-3 minutes between sets (Can be done as a…
Barbell Complex
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10 minutes Skipping Then: 6x6x6 Power Cleans + Press (Strict) + Back Squat + Good Mornings + Behind Neck Press + Front Squat Rest 60seconds…
Back, Traps and Biceps
Mobility Warm-up 3×10 Ring Rows Then: 3×10 Pull-ups 3×10 One Arm DB/KB Row 3×10 BentOver T-Bar Rows 3×10 BB Shrug 2×15 DB Curl Then:…