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Strength - Sports Specific

Dynamic Warm-up Then: 3×5 DB or KB Single Arm Snatch Rest 2/3 minutes between each set Then: 3×8 DB Bench Press + 3×8 DB Rear Leg Elevated Squat Rest…

Valentine Rawat 17/11/2011

Ring Strength Work

Upper Body Dynamic Warm-ups Then: 5 sets 5x Rings Pull-ups + 5x Ring Dips Then: 5 sets 5x Ring Flyes (slow and controlled) and hold for count of 5 + 5x Ring Rollouts…

Valentine Rawat 11/11/2011

Upper Body Strength Training

Dynamic Warm-up Then: 2×8 Bench Press Close Grip 3×8 Bench Press Neutral Grip 4×8 Chin-ups 2×8 Dumbbell One Arm Row 3×10 Barbell Curls 3×8…

Valentine Rawat 31/10/2011

Super Strength Session

Dynamic Warm-up Mobility Drills Then: Work up to (todays) heavy Deadlift – Must preform a minimum of 2 reps per weight Then: 3×5 Deadlift @65% Max 2×3…

Valentine Rawat 04/10/2011

Tuesday Strength Session

Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 2×10 sets of each using light weight as a part of a movement warm-up 5×5 Deadlifts @60-70% max 5×3 HIT Floor Chest…

Valentine Rawat 28/09/2011

Squat followed by Deadlift Training Session

Squat and Deadlift Strength Session Dymanic Warm-up Then: 2×15 BB (no weight) Squat 5×3 BB Squat 65%Max Then: 5×3 Deadlift (increase weight each set – close…

Valentine Rawat 31/08/2011

Upper Body Max Effort

Upper Body Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5×5 Weighted Pull-ups – 20kg vest 5×5 Close-grip Floor Chest press – 60kg Rest 1-3 minutes between sets (Can be done as a…

Valentine Rawat 30/08/2011

Barbell Complex

Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10 minutes Skipping Then: 6x6x6 Power Cleans + Press (Strict) + Back Squat + Good Mornings + Behind Neck Press + Front Squat Rest 60seconds…

Valentine Rawat 23/08/2011

Back, Traps and Biceps

Mobility Warm-up 3×10 Ring Rows Then: 3×10 Pull-ups 3×10 One Arm DB/KB Row 3×10 BentOver T-Bar Rows 3×10 BB Shrug 2×15 DB Curl Then:…

Valentine Rawat 28/07/2011
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