Herculean Strength
“It is not about daily increase, but daily decrease. Hack away unessentials.”—Bruce Lee.

Quick Kettlebell & Bodyweight Training
While I wait for a client and the sun is shine it would be rude not to get some daily movement in. Here's what unmanaged in 10mins Band Pull Aparts x20 Band…

When do you stop training?
I turned in 40 in late 2016. By I, I mean Val, not the dude in this video above. The very cool dude above is Jean Titus. You can find him on instragram @titusunlimited…

Rugby Training Motivation
There is more to strength training than looking like a musclebound Justin Bieber, bench pressing a small family car and eating your body weight in chicken breast.…

Kettlebell Workouts
Kettlebell workouts wеrе аll the rage last уеаr аnd thіѕ уеаr іt looks as іf the trеnd wіll continue. Its not a fad and has predated a lot training…

Mentality to get the work done
My planned training session today was suppose to involve Deadlift 5×5 @140kg Then Sandbag bear hug squats x10 Sandbag Shouldering x10 per side 4 sets

Birthday Gift to Myself
Men stop comparing yourself to 20 year old lads in their prime and injury free. Ladies stop comparing yourself to 20 year old girls who are not all together that…

Indian Jori
In these modern times, people love to go to gym for aesthetically pleasing body shape. They all love to drink protein powder shakes and inject steroids, but after…

My Training this Week
Monday 28th July 2014 Stair sprints 8 rounds 25 mins today including warmup Tuesday 29th July 2014 Deadlift 4×6-8 Then Seated rows 3×12 Supinated lat pull…

Daddy's Workout
I am a father of a beautiful 6 month old daughter. She has been a true joy from the moment she was born. But one thing that I am sure all fathers can agree on, is…

Friday Fitness Fun
Friday Fitness Fun is Simple: 100 Inverted Rows 100 Dips Break it down how you will. Jut got to get it done. Its gets your gun working and some. Choice of music…
Getting Physced Up - Sprint Training
For those that may lack the inspiration today. It happens to all of us sometimes. Most of the time you have to find that motivation and drive within. But when even…

Valentine's Day Massacre Workout Part 2
Part2: It’s simply continued effort. Not once or twice. Its forever. I am afraid… actually I’m not cause success in anything requires a lot of…

Valentine's Day Massacre Workout Part 1
Part1… Its getting started. Its digging deep into your core. And it getting it done… now. Dynamic Warm-up Then: 45s Single KB Double handed Swings +…

Bodyweight Movement
Fitness is not just a workout. Its not a diet. Its not a fad. Its not even about the kettlebells, the barbell, the sandbag or the hammer. Its a lifestyle. Its every…

100 Reps
Personal Training today: 10x Overhand grip Inverted Rows + 10x 32kg Kettlebell Push Press+ 10x Undergrip Inverted Rows + 10x Close Grip Press-ups 2 sets in total…