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Upper Body Strength & Sprint Session

“The more I talk to athletes, the more convinced I become that the method of training is relatively unimportant. There are many ways to the top, and the training…

Valentine Rawat 30/06/2011

Group Circuit Training

A recent paper was published examining two types of training structure: Alcaraz et al. Similarity in Adaptations to High-Resistance Circuit vs. Traditional Strength…

Valentine Rawat 29/06/2011

Sandbag Lower DE Session

It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. Muhammad Ali Dynamic Mobility…

Valentine Rawat 28/06/2011

5x5 Strength & HIIT

Monday: I start with my body, not as I wish it to be, but simply just as it is. Let the this week begin. Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5×5 Single Arm DB Clean and Press…

Valentine Rawat 27/06/2011

Sunday Motivation

Always in search of inspirational stories and videos and this appeared on FB. This week its a delivery by GSP. One of the most exciting and dedicated warriors in…

Valentine Rawat 26/06/2011

Lower Body Max

Dynamic Mobility Warm Followed by Specific Warm-up: 3×20 Air Squats 3×5 Jump Squat 3×5 Tuck Jump Then: Work up to Heavy Front Squat Then: 5×2/3 Front Squat 85%-90%…

Valentine Rawat 25/06/2011

Restoration and Recovery

The title suggests exactly what it says. Yet so many and I have to include myself into this, spend such little time on our recovery and restoring our bodies. This…

Valentine Rawat 24/06/2011

Dynamic Effort Strength Session and Sprint Training

While you are postponing… Life speeds by. Seneca Mobility Warm-up Then: SMR Upper body 10 minutes Indian Club Then: Dynamic Effort 5×10 KB or DB 16-20kg…

Valentine Rawat 23/06/2011

Wednesday Kettlebell MetCon Session

Choose your weight wisely and pace yourself. Above all work with your breath. Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Kettlebell Warm-up Then: Kettlebell and Bodyweight work 30secs…

Valentine Rawat 22/06/2011

Lower Body Dynamic Effort

You do not create or invent things you actually find and discover them. Joint Mobility Warm-up 2×15 Air Squats 2×10 Jump Squats 2×5 Tuck Jumps Then:…

Valentine Rawat 21/06/2011

Max Strength and Conditioning Workouts

Max Strength Workout Dynamic Warm-up Then: 2×25 Netural Press-ups 2×25 Close Grip Press-ups Then: 5×8 Close Grip Floor Chest Press Then: 2×8…

Valentine Rawat 20/06/2011

Dynamic Effort Workout

SWEAT IS THE LUBRICANT OF SUCCESS Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10×1 Speed/Dynamic Deadlifts with Bands (red or purple) 75% 1rep max 5×2 Snatch Grip Deadlifts…

Valentine Rawat 17/06/2011

Split Session Strength & Conditioning

10 minutes Warm-up with Skipping + Mobility Warm-up Then: Working up to heavy Push Press Then: 6×3 BB Push Press 80% 1rep max (Clean the bar for every set)…

Valentine Rawat 16/06/2011

Cardiovascular and Power Endurance Workout

Morning Workout Dynamic mobility lower body warm-up Then: 6miles off road run (add intervals, hills, running with logs above your head, and if cannot run then Bear…

Valentine Rawat 15/06/2011

Lower Body Strength Training

Dynamic Mobility Warm Followed by Specific Warm-up: 3×20 Air Squats 3×5 Jump Squat 3×5 Tuck Jump Then: Work up to Heavy Back Squat Then: 5×2/3…

Valentine Rawat 14/06/2011

Solo Max Effort + Bodyweight Metcon Session

Solo Max Effort Session: Mobility Warm-up + Light BB Complex Warm-up Then: Working to a Heavy Power Cleans Then: Work to a Heavy Deadlift 10×2 Deadlift Rest…

Valentine Rawat 13/06/2011
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