Upper Body Strength & Sprint Session
“The more I talk to athletes, the more convinced I become that the method of training is relatively unimportant. There are many ways to the top, and the training…
Group Circuit Training
A recent paper was published examining two types of training structure: Alcaraz et al. Similarity in Adaptations to High-Resistance Circuit vs. Traditional Strength…
Sandbag Lower DE Session
It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. Muhammad Ali Dynamic Mobility…
5x5 Strength & HIIT
Monday: I start with my body, not as I wish it to be, but simply just as it is. Let the this week begin. Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5×5 Single Arm DB Clean and Press…
Sunday Motivation
Always in search of inspirational stories and videos and this appeared on FB. This week its a delivery by GSP. One of the most exciting and dedicated warriors in…
Lower Body Max
Dynamic Mobility Warm Followed by Specific Warm-up: 3×20 Air Squats 3×5 Jump Squat 3×5 Tuck Jump Then: Work up to Heavy Front Squat Then: 5×2/3 Front Squat 85%-90%…
Restoration and Recovery
The title suggests exactly what it says. Yet so many and I have to include myself into this, spend such little time on our recovery and restoring our bodies. This…
Dynamic Effort Strength Session and Sprint Training
While you are postponing… Life speeds by. Seneca Mobility Warm-up Then: SMR Upper body 10 minutes Indian Club Then: Dynamic Effort 5×10 KB or DB 16-20kg…
Wednesday Kettlebell MetCon Session
Choose your weight wisely and pace yourself. Above all work with your breath. Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Kettlebell Warm-up Then: Kettlebell and Bodyweight work 30secs…
Lower Body Dynamic Effort
You do not create or invent things you actually find and discover them. Joint Mobility Warm-up 2×15 Air Squats 2×10 Jump Squats 2×5 Tuck Jumps Then:…
Max Strength and Conditioning Workouts
Max Strength Workout Dynamic Warm-up Then: 2×25 Netural Press-ups 2×25 Close Grip Press-ups Then: 5×8 Close Grip Floor Chest Press Then: 2×8…
Dynamic Effort Workout
SWEAT IS THE LUBRICANT OF SUCCESS Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10×1 Speed/Dynamic Deadlifts with Bands (red or purple) 75% 1rep max 5×2 Snatch Grip Deadlifts…
Split Session Strength & Conditioning
10 minutes Warm-up with Skipping + Mobility Warm-up Then: Working up to heavy Push Press Then: 6×3 BB Push Press 80% 1rep max (Clean the bar for every set)…
Cardiovascular and Power Endurance Workout
Morning Workout Dynamic mobility lower body warm-up Then: 6miles off road run (add intervals, hills, running with logs above your head, and if cannot run then Bear…
Lower Body Strength Training
Dynamic Mobility Warm Followed by Specific Warm-up: 3×20 Air Squats 3×5 Jump Squat 3×5 Tuck Jump Then: Work up to Heavy Back Squat Then: 5×2/3…
Solo Max Effort + Bodyweight Metcon Session
Solo Max Effort Session: Mobility Warm-up + Light BB Complex Warm-up Then: Working to a Heavy Power Cleans Then: Work to a Heavy Deadlift 10×2 Deadlift Rest…