Strength Training Programme
Complexity is your the enemy. Simply your life, your training and everything else that you are passionate about in life. Any fool can make something simple complicated.…
5 weeks get super strong training progamme
5 weeks get super strong training programme is strength and conditioning programme to get you super strong and super lean. Now, yes it is a 5 week programme but…
Workouts of the Week
Another week another set of workouts completed but the hunger still remains. Now for a Prelude Monday Solo: Warm-up Then: 8 x Bench Press + 20 x Box/Bench Jumps…
Weekly Workout Digest
We’ve had a a very busy week of training individuals and groups from boxers and rugby players to weekend warriors and those wanting fat loss and get fit as…
Sandbag Thursday Complex
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Sandbag Complex consists of the following exercises: Bent Over Rows + Cleans (from the floor) + Zercher Squats + Shouldering (from…
Javorek's Dumbbell Complex
This workout is directly inspired by Istvan Javorek. Dynamic Warm-up Then: Dumbbell Complex Upright Row + High Pull Snatch + Squat Push Press + Rotational Bent Over…
Power Training Session
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Work up to a Barbell Heavy Power Clean and Push Press Then: 5×2 Hang Clean + Push Press Rest period 60/90 seconds per set. Then:…
Kettlebell Strength Endurance Work
Mobility Drills + Kettlebell Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Jerks 1st Set – 2x20kg – 16reps 1st set is done with static hold in top position. Static hold is…
Strength - Sports Specific
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 3×5 DB or KB Single Arm Snatch Rest 2/3 minutes between each set Then: 3×8 DB Bench Press + 3×8 DB Rear Leg Elevated Squat Rest…
Power Work
Mobility Work + Dynamic Warm-up Then: Work up to a heavy Clean and Split Jerk Then: 5x 2x16kg KB or 30kg BB Front Squat + 5x Burpee Pull-up + 5x Box Jumps 5 sets.…
Sandbag Workout for Strength, Power, Grip Strength
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Bill Gates, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa,…
Super Strength Session
Dynamic Warm-up Mobility Drills Then: Work up to (todays) heavy Deadlift – Must preform a minimum of 2 reps per weight Then: 3×5 Deadlift @65% Max 2×3…
MMA ROUNDTABLE: Training Discussion
MMA STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ROUNDTABLE The following interview was conducted by Josh Beaty with James Smith, Jamie Hale, Liam Taku Bauer, and Michael Frye. JBeaty:…
Barbell Complex
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10 minutes Skipping Then: 6x6x6 Power Cleans + Press (Strict) + Back Squat + Good Mornings + Behind Neck Press + Front Squat Rest 60seconds…
Variation to Javorek's Complex Exercises by Dan John
“My definition of a complex is simple. A complex is a series of lifts back to back where you finish the reps of one lift before moving on to the next lift.…
Split Session Strength & Conditioning
10 minutes Warm-up with Skipping + Mobility Warm-up Then: Working up to heavy Push Press Then: 6×3 BB Push Press 80% 1rep max (Clean the bar for every set)…