Saturday 27-2-2010
Fall seven times, stand up eight. Saturday 27-2-2010 Warm-up Then: 100 Press-ups in under 4 minutes Then: Stretch out and get some rest.
Friday 26-2-2010
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle Friday 26-2-2010 Mobility Warm-up Then: 2x24kg KB Jerk 5, 7, 9, 11,…
Thursday 25-2-2010
You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. Thursday 25-2-2010 Dymamic Warm-up Then: 3×5…
Wednesday 23-2-2010
Wednesday 23-2-2010 Dynamic Warm-up Then: 3 Rounds of:- 3 minutes KB Swing + 20 Press ups 2 minutes Rest Then: 3 rounds of:- 3 minutes Mountain Climbers + 20 Pull-ups…
Tuesday 23-2-2010
Tuesday 23-2-2010 Mobility Warm-up Then: 5×5 Squats 5×5 Overhead Press 1×5 Deadlift 3x to failure Pull-ups 3×30 seconds Hanging Windshield Wipers…
Monday 22-2-2010
Monday 22-2-2010 Dynamic Warm-ups Then: Low Walking Lunges + Knee Highs + Burpees/Bastards + T Press-ups + Mountain climbers + Tuck Jumps + Left Side Plank + Regular…
Sunday Food For Thought
State of Mind If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don’t! If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t, It’s…
Saturday 20-2-2010
Saturday 20-2-2010 Dynamic Total Body Warm-up Then: Barbell Complex 21-15-9 reps Hang Clean – Front Squat – Push Press – Back Squat – Push…
Friday 19-2-2010
Friday 19-2-2010 Mobility Warm up Then: 3x Muscle Up 6x Barbell Dead lift 70% max 5 rounds Then: 3 minutes Hammer Work 2 minutes Rope Undulation 1 minute Bastards…
Thursday 18-2-2010
Thursday 18-2-2010 Morning Session: YOGA Evening Session Dynamic Warm ups Then: Upper body Circuit 5-10-15-10-5 reps Press-ups + Barbell Bent-over Row + Kettlebell…
Wednesday 17-2-2010
Wednesday 17-2-2010 Morning Session 1 Hour Bike Ride Then: 50x Pull ups Broken down in 5×10 reps with little rest in between. Evening Session Dynamic Mobility…
Tuesday 16-2-2010
Tuesday 16-2-2010 Mobility Warm up Followed by: 100x Left Kettlebell Snatches 100x Right Kettlebell Snatches Break it down to 10×10, 20×5, 25×4, 100×1…
Monday 15-2-2010
Monday 15-2-2010 Training session Dynamic Warm-up Then: Bootstraps + Dive Bombers + Single Leg Squat and Reach + Supermans + Wide Grip Alternative Press-ups + Mountain…
The Absolute Best Way to Improve Your Leg Strength and Power for all Sports
The Absolute Best Way to Improve Your Leg Strength and Power for all Sports By Steve Cotter, By adding this one exercise to your training program, you can become…
Saturday 13-2-2010
Back home… Saturday 13-2-2010 Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5x 6-8 reps Deadlifts working up to 80% Max Then: 5x 12 reps Power Cleans 60% Max Then: 3 sets of: 30 seconds…
Friday 12-2-2010
On the Road so body weight and band training training all week. Friday 12-2-2010 Mobility Warm ups Then: 100x Resistance Band Rows 100x Burps 100x Reverse Lunges…