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Saturday WOD 31-10-09

Saturday WOD 31-10-09 Dynamic warm up Then: Kettlebell Juggling + Ring Pull-ups + Body-weight Squats 3 rounds 60 seconds per round Then: 20 x Ring Rows + 20 x Ring…

Valentine Rawat 31/10/2009

Friday WOD 30-10-09

Friday WOD 30-10-09 Warm-up Then: 20 x left & right Ring wood-chops + 20 x left & right Hammer work + 20 x left & right Ring Roll-outs + 20 x Tyre flips…

Valentine Rawat 31/10/2009

Thursday 29-10-09

Thursday 29-10-09 YOGA…. Thats it. Sometimes it is to recover with a long good stretch.

Valentine Rawat 31/10/2009

Wednesday WOD 28-10-09

Wednesday WOD 28-10-09 Dynamic Warm-up Then: Barbell Romanian Deadlift (increase your weight every set) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each @ 70/80% max Rest 2 minutes…

Valentine Rawat 29/10/2009

Tuesday WOD 27-10-09

Tuesday Workout of the day 27-10-09 Dynamic warm up Then: 5-5-5 Kettlebell complex (5 prong attack) one arm a 5 exercises 5 reps 5 rounds of: Left Swing + Left Cleans…

Valentine Rawat 28/10/2009

Monday WOD 26-10-09

Monday WOD 26-10-09 Dynamic warm-up Then: Kettlebell Swing + Single Arm Left Kettlebell Over Head Walking Lunges + Single Arm Right Kettlebell Over Head Walking…

Valentine Rawat 26/10/2009

Knee Pains

Knee pains and injuries are very common problems. They are pain in the butt for most of us. Well any injuries are. This more so because I am and have been suffering…

Valentine Rawat 26/10/2009

Saturday WOD 24-10-09

Saturday WOD 24-10-09 Dynamic Warm-up Then: Barbell Complex Training 5 x Hang Cleans + 5 x Front Squat + 5 x Push Press + 5 x Back Squat + 5 x Bent over Row 5 rounds…

Valentine Rawat 24/10/2009

Friday WOD 23-10-09

Friday WOD 23-10-09 Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10 x Sprints 80 Steps at Roundhay Park Then: Cool down and Stretch

Valentine Rawat 24/10/2009

Thursday WOD 22-10-09

Thursday’s workout of the day: Warm-up Then: 3×20 Deadlift 50% max Then: 10 x Deadlift 80% max + 20 x Jumping Lunges + 30 x Burpees 5 rounds Then: Cool…

Valentine Rawat 23/10/2009

My Top choice of Foods

My Top choice of Foods Natural starchy carbohydrates and whole grains 1. Oatmeal (old fashioned) 2. Quinoa 3. Brown rice 4. Sweet potatoes 5. Multi grain hot cereal…

Valentine Rawat 22/10/2009

Wednesday WOD 21-1-09

Wednesday WOD 21-1-09 20 miles Bike Ride Then: Band Split Romanian Deadlift Band Bent Over Row Band High Pull Band Hammer Curls Band Squat and Over Head Press KB…

Valentine Rawat 21/10/2009

Tuesday War on Kettlebells 20-10-09

Tuesday War on Kettlebells 20-10-09 Warm up as usual Then: 5 prong attack is 5 Kettlebell exercises 10 reps per arm 5 rounds Left arm – Swing + Cleans + Press…

Valentine Rawat 21/10/2009

Monday WOD 19-10-09

Monday 19th of October Dynamic Warm-ups 5 minutes Then: Kettlebell Swings 60 seconds + Finger Press-ups 60 seconds + Press-up Plank 60 seconds + Burpees 60 seconds…

Valentine Rawat 21/10/2009

Saturday 17-10-09

Saturday I took a well deserved break from lifting kettlebells and running around in the park and headed up to the Lake District with my partner Kim and our faithful…

Valentine Rawat 19/10/2009

Friday WOD 16-10-09

Friday WOD 16-10-09 Attempted KIPPING and MUSCLE UPS. Still need more practice. Have not perfected it yet. Instead… Warm-up Then: 10 rounds 8 x Ring Pull ups…

Valentine Rawat 16/10/2009
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