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July 2009

Strength Work Wednesday 29th

Workout:3 rounds15 x Jumping Split Squats +25 x Steps ups +25 x Box Jumps rest 1 minute Then 3 rounds 15 reps Push-ups Incline + Push-ups Diamond + Push-up Wide…

Valentine Rawat 29/07/2009

Tuesday Strength Plan

Workout: 2×10 Deadlift @ 50kg 2×5 Deadlift @ 70kg2×5 Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 70kg Then: 3×3 @ 100kg 5×2 @ 110kg4×1 @ 120kg Then: Front…

Valentine Rawat 28/07/2009

Dumbbells Complex 666

Dumbbells Complex 666 6 rounds – 6 reps – 6 exercises 1.Dead Lift to High Pulls +2.Hang Cleans +3.Front Squat to Push Press +4.Overhead Squats +5.Push-up…

Valentine Rawat 23/07/2009


Today War with Weights: 3 rounds of:3 x Tyre Pulls (length of the rope) + 10 x Double KB Cleans + 10 x Double KB Push Press + 10 x Double KB Front Squat + 10 x Single…

Valentine Rawat 22/07/2009


Dynamic Warm up Then Main Workout: 10x Hi-Pull 16kg KB Left + 10x Hi-Pull 16kg KB Right + 2:00 Sprint 50 and Jog 50 + 1:00 Plank 1:00 Rest + 10x Press 16kg KB Left…

Valentine Rawat 15/07/2009

Speed, Agility and Power Circuit

Speed, Agility and Power Circuit Wednesday Warm-up Main Work 5 minutes Fast Skipping (double-unders, side twists, side 2 side) Then 10 minutes 5 x Push-ups +10 x…

Valentine Rawat 13/07/2009

Weekend gone

This weekend just gone I missed out on attending IKFF Kettlebell Certification Seminar with Steve Cotter and some of UK Elite Kettlebell Instructors. Maybe I’ll…

Valentine Rawat 13/07/2009

Warrior Spirit

“In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased.…

Valentine Rawat 09/07/2009

My Workout

My Workout: 30 steps Walking Lunges 2x24kg KB Then 4 sets x 6 Straight-leg DL 70kg Barbell Then 5 sets x 10 KB Clean and Jerk @ 2x 24kg Rest one minute between …

Valentine Rawat 08/07/2009

Body Blast - Monday 6th of July ’09

Body Blast – Monday 6th of July ’09 Warm-up Then Main Work 3 rounds – 30 seconds each exercise including active rest Front Power Lunges Rear Power…

Valentine Rawat 06/07/2009

Strength and Conditioning my way backyard Leeds

Circuit – Strength and Endurance 5 rounds 21 Tyre Flips with jumps15 KB Swing single handed9 L-Ups20 seconds Straight Blasts Home grown in Leeds training …

Valentine Rawat 01/07/2009