Sunday Inspiration Anthony Robles
I am forever mesmerized by individuals like Anthony Robles that above all odds persevere and eventually fulfill their dream. In Anthony’s case becoming an…
Kettlebell Combo Saturday 29-5-2010
Kettlebell Combo Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 10 minutes x KB Manmakers (Renegade Rows – Press-ups – Cleans – Squat Press – Snatch) Then:…
Power Endurance Friday 28-5-2010
Power Endurance Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3 rounds of: 10x Overhead Squats + 10x Overhead Walking Lunges + 10x Jumping Lunges Then: 5 rounds of: 10x Deadlift…
MMA Conditioning Thursday 27-5-2010
Improvise – Adapt – Overcome MMA Conditioning Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 1 min x KB Swing + 10x Overhead Squat – Left arm + 10x Over head Squat…
Kettlebell Work Wednesday 26-5-2010
Kettlebell Work Dynamic Mobility Work Then: 10x 60 seconds Double KB Jerks 10x 60 seconds Double Rack Squats Rest 30 seconds in between sets Then: 20x Renegade Rows…
Strength Training Tuesday 25-5-2010
Strength Training Dynamic Warm-up Then: 3×10 Light Deadlift 5×5 Moderate to Heavy Deadlift Then: Kettlebells or Dumbbells Complex 5×5 of Squat Thrusters…
Conditioning is King Monday 24-5-2010
Conditioning is King Dynamic Warm-up Then: 3 minutes of Skipping + 30 seconds of Press-ups + 30 seconds of Up Downs Plank + 30 seconds of Mountain Climber + 30 seconds…
Think On These Things
THINK ON THESE THINGS Chapter 1 – This matter of culture J. Krishnamurti I wonder if we have ever asked ourselves what education means. Why do we go to school,…
Metabolic Conditioning Saturday 22-5-2010
Outdoor Metabolic Conditioning With the weather as beautiful as it is here in UK it is a shame to be cooped up in a gym. Get yourself outside, take few equipment…
Power Endurance Friday 21-5-2010
Power Endurance Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5×5 Barbell Deadlift @ 80%max 5×5 Barbells Cleans & Press @ 60%max 3×10 Overhead Squats 50kg Then: Rope…
Yoga Thursday 20-5-2010
Yoga With all the strength and endurance training our bodies can become rigid. I believe it is important to remain flexible and have suppleness in our muscle. Flexibility…
HIIT Wednesday 19-5-2010
High Intensity Interval Training Morning Training Session Warm-up 8 mile Road bike ride Then: 15x Wall Handstand press-up + 15x Pull-up bar work 5 rounds Then: Cool…
Strength Training Tuesday 18-5-2010
Strength Training with Gymnastic Ring Training and Kettlebells Warm-up Then: 10 mile Sprint Bike ride Then: 15x Single Arm Ring Press-up (assisted) L&R + 15x…
Body Weight Metabolic Conditioning Monday 17-5-2010
Body Weight Metabolic Conditioning – After Burn Dynamic Warm-up Then: 6x Table Top (from seated hover position) + 6x Push Plank (kneeling) + 6x Spinal Rock…
Rex Pemberton Mt Everest Sunday 16-5-2010
In May 2005 Rex Pemberton was the youngest Australian to climb Mt Everest. The video below captures his incredible journey. Everest which is one of my life times…
Strength Training Short & Sweet Friday 14-5-2010
Strength Training Friday 14-5-2010 Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10x 2x18kg Dumbbells Thursters 20x Hanging Windshield Wipers As many rounds in 20 minutes Then: Cool down…