Jigoro Kano Principles
“Walk a single path, becoming neither cocky with victory nor broken with defeat, without forgetting caution when all is quiet or becoming frightened when danger…
Weekly Fitness Hack
Every week is the same. I always allow time for training but things crop on and take priority. Its part and parcel of running your business or when you are working…
What is Muscle Action?
What is Muscle Action? By Mel Siff Introduction The process of muscle contraction is central to all fitness, strength and sports training, yet there are many aspects…
The Ultimate Glossary of Strength and Conditioning
Like any domain, strength training has its own jargon and “secret language” that participants use. For the novice who’s just beginning his journey towards…
Herculean Strength
“It is not about daily increase, but daily decrease. Hack away unessentials.”—Bruce Lee.
Rugby Training Motivation
There is more to strength training than looking like a musclebound Justin Bieber, bench pressing a small family car and eating your body weight in chicken breast.…
Knee Pain Explained
A commitment to fitness comes with some repercussions. Regardless of the exercise you do, your body will experience some wear andtear. You must take care of your…
Mentality to get the work done
My planned training session today was suppose to involve Deadlift 5×5 @140kg Then Sandbag bear hug squats x10 Sandbag Shouldering x10 per side 4 sets
Birthday Gift to Myself
Men stop comparing yourself to 20 year old lads in their prime and injury free. Ladies stop comparing yourself to 20 year old girls who are not all together that…
Dan John: The Five Pillars Of Successful Training
I always joke that the coach who trains himself has an idiot for a client. I was self-coached for years before I fired myself for far better people. As I saw my…
Middle Way
What is the middle way? It is just this Noble Eightfold Path, namely: Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right…
Autumn & Winter
The long summer days are well and truly behind us. But don’t stress about the cold winter days that we have to look forward to in the coming months. That is…
Staying young
As we all get older we loose sight of what we wanted grow up and keep doing when we were kids. Remember we all used to dream big. What happened? Yeah I know, some…
It continually astounds me how many people consciously choose mediocrity. They claim that they are seeking excellence, but they won’t follow proper progressions.…
Desiderata - Max Ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak…
Indian Jori
In these modern times, people love to go to gym for aesthetically pleasing body shape. They all love to drink protein powder shakes and inject steroids, but after…