Birthday Gift to Myself
Men stop comparing yourself to 20 year old lads in their prime and injury free. Ladies stop comparing yourself to 20 year old girls who are not all together that…
Happy New Year - 2014
Happy New Year. May you be as strong as last year and some. May you be faster than speeding bullet. May you be lean and maintain it all year round. It’s all…
Movember Training Month
So I have decided to grow a mustache for Movember. If you are not familiar with Movember then its what is responsible for sudden growth spurt of hair under your…
Strength Training Programme
Complexity is your the enemy. Simply your life, your training and everything else that you are passionate about in life. Any fool can make something simple complicated.…
5 weeks get super strong training progamme
5 weeks get super strong training programme is strength and conditioning programme to get you super strong and super lean. Now, yes it is a 5 week programme but…
Workouts of the Week
Another week another set of workouts completed but the hunger still remains. Now for a Prelude Monday Solo: Warm-up Then: 8 x Bench Press + 20 x Box/Bench Jumps…
Interval Weight Training
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10x Deadlift + 10x Bentover Rows + 2minutes Rowing @1.50min/500m pace 2minutes Rest Complete 3 rounds Then: 5 minutes rest including the last…
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 8x Deadlifts + 10x Pull-ups or Press-ups + 1min Mountain Climbers + 1min Burpees + 2min Rest Compete 3 Rounds Then: 10x Forward Lunges + 10x…
Power Training Session
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Work up to a Barbell Heavy Power Clean and Push Press Then: 5×2 Hang Clean + Push Press Rest period 60/90 seconds per set. Then:…
Barbell Strength Work
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Work up to Deadlift 2RM Then: Finisher – 2000m Row for Time Then: Cool down It does not have to complicated to be effective. Simple does…
Strength - GPP
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 2×8 BB Bench Close Grip 3×8 BB Bench Neutral Grip Rest 90seconds between sets Then: 4×8 Weighted Chin-ups + 2×8 DB One…
Upper Body Strength Workout
Upper Body Dynamic Warm-up 10x Press-ups + 5x Clap Press-up + 5x Hindu Push-ups Then: 5×5 Weighted chin-ups (20kg vest) 5×5 Close-grip bench press (80%…
Barbell Complex + Finisher
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Barbell Complex – 5x5x5 Bent over barbell row Hang clean Front squat and push press Good morning Jump Squat (with bar on the back) Rest…
Friday Dynamic Effort + Finisher
Upper Body Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5×5 Weighted Pull-ups – 20kg vest 5×5 Close-grip Floor Chest press – 60kg Rest 1-3 minutes between sets (Can be done as a…
Max Effort Strength Session
Mobility Warm-up Then: 2×10 Deadlift @ 50kg 2×5 Deadlift @ 70kg 2×5 Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 70kg Rest 1 minute between each set Then: Deadlift netural…
Power Work
Mobility Work + Dynamic Warm-up Then: Work up to a heavy Clean and Split Jerk Then: 5x 2x16kg KB or 30kg BB Front Squat + 5x Burpee Pull-up + 5x Box Jumps 5 sets.…