Valentine's Day Massacre Workout Part 1
Part1… Its getting started. Its digging deep into your core. And it getting it done… now. Dynamic Warm-up Then: 45s Single KB Double handed Swings +…
Fat Burn Cardio WORKOUT
Over the last few months I have had the pleasure of getting up at 3.30/4am every weekday then to travel to a client for an hour and train her for 2 hours each day…
Workouts of the Week
Another week another set of workouts completed but the hunger still remains. Now for a Prelude Monday Solo: Warm-up Then: 8 x Bench Press + 20 x Box/Bench Jumps…
Weekly Workout Digest
We’ve had a a very busy week of training individuals and groups from boxers and rugby players to weekend warriors and those wanting fat loss and get fit as…
Friday Mayhem Training
There are no limitations in what you can do.. Except… The limitations of your own mind…. One of the biggest hurdles is negative thinking….. Really, If you…
Mayhem Bodyweight
Lets burn it… Dynamic Warm-up Then: Rope Pulls + KB Swings + 6 Point Burpees + Band Rows 45seconds work 15seconds rest 4 rounds Rest for a full 1 minute after…
Intense Mayhem Cardio Training Session
Happy is a man/woman who has a dream and is willing to pay any price to make it happen. Dynamic Warm-up Then: Alternate Rope Undulation + Agility Ladder Quick Feet…
Kettlebells, Ropes + Core Training
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 45s Single KB Double handed Swings + 15s Rest + 45s Alternate Rope Undulation + 60s Rest Complete 3 rounds Then: 30s Double KB Swings + 30s…