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Bodyweight Circuit Training

Be your own gym. No equipment no excuses. This is a sure fire way to get into a shape if you are out of shape. For elite athletes this is nice finisher at the end…

Valentine Rawat 28/02/2011

Optimum Performance Through Nutrition

Many athletes at all levels of performance from club through to elite are striving to achieve optimum performance through nutrition as well as their training programmes.…

Valentine Rawat 27/02/2011


1 1/2 hours of Yoga practice The days when yoga was regarded as “a practice for women, wimps or spiritual escapists” may be ending. While most athletes look…

Valentine Rawat 26/02/2011

Friday Pandemonium

Warm-up with light paced Jog Followed by: 10x Hill Sprints Followed by: 5x Hill Bear Crawls (from the half way point of the sprints) Followed by: 18x Steps Sprints…

Valentine Rawat 25/02/2011

DIY Strength Training

Dynamic Warm-up Mobility Work Pranam Yoga Then: 5×5 Pistols (1 on each leg) – Burpees – Pull-ups Cobmo Then: 5×3 Heavy Single Leg Dead-lift…

Valentine Rawat 24/02/2011

Kettlebell Bodyweight Circuit Workout

“Above all be patient.” Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 50x Swings + 25x Jumping Jacks + 60 seconds REST + 50x Goblet Squats + 25x Quad Press+ 60 seconds…

Valentine Rawat 23/02/2011

Power Training

Keep your focus and never quit. Negative begets negative. Positive begets positive. Quitting can turn become a habit not worth having. Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then:…

Valentine Rawat 22/02/2011

Raw Intensity Protocol

Look me in the eyes,its ok if you scared so am I, but were scared for different reasons, I’m scared of what i wont become and your scared of what I will become.…

Valentine Rawat 21/02/2011

Akshaya's Helping in H.E.L.P. Trust

I stumbled upon this earlier this week. I was moved. I do not support charity per se but this has moved me so much, that I feel I just do not do enough to help others.…

Valentine Rawat 20/02/2011

Saturday Max Strength

“True strength is not always shown through victory. Stand up try again and display strength of your heart.” Rickson Gracie Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10x…

Valentine Rawat 19/02/2011

Friday Mahyem - To Hell and Back Workout

YES today is another great day for living. My life is not set in stone. Neither is yours. In your sport, as in my life there are random acts (no matter how calculated).…

Valentine Rawat 18/02/2011

Dynamic Strength Training Workout

Dynamic Warm-up Then: 3 miles Run (choose hills, off road, dirt track, around a lake, you get my drift) Then: Kettlebell Cleans – 32kg + Deadlifts –…

Valentine Rawat 17/02/2011

Kshatriya Beastings Session

Team Work Double Kettlebell Swings + Jump Squats 3 sets 60 seconds per exercise. No rest. Then: Rest 2 minutes Then: Kettlebell Push Press (30 second per arm) +…

Valentine Rawat 16/02/2011

Mike Tyson

“I’m a Man. I lived it and I’m not afraid to Die, but when I Die I’m going to paradise. I’m not worried.” “Without discipline,…

Valentine Rawat 15/02/2011

Group Bodyweight MetCon

The better you get the better you recover. However this will never get easier. Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5 Stations Ball Squats – Shoulder press – Ball Slams…

Valentine Rawat 14/02/2011

Imagination Is Everything

Tim ‘Livewire’ Shieff “Passion and Belief can get you anywhere in life” Even to break the world record. Ivan Denisov

Valentine Rawat 13/02/2011
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