Knee Pain Explained
A commitment to fitness comes with some repercussions. Regardless of the exercise you do, your body will experience some wear andtear. You must take care of your…
Mentality to get the work done
My planned training session today was suppose to involve Deadlift 5×5 @140kg Then Sandbag bear hug squats x10 Sandbag Shouldering x10 per side 4 sets
My Training this Week
Monday 28th July 2014 Stair sprints 8 rounds 25 mins today including warmup Tuesday 29th July 2014 Deadlift 4×6-8 Then Seated rows 3×12 Supinated lat pull…
Happy New Year - 2014
Happy New Year. May you be as strong as last year and some. May you be faster than speeding bullet. May you be lean and maintain it all year round. It’s all…
I fucking hate labels
So if I eat fresh organic local produce and cook from scratch then does that equate to Paleo? Damn right, NO it does not cause thats just the way it should be and…
Getting Physced Up - Sprint Training
For those that may lack the inspiration today. It happens to all of us sometimes. Most of the time you have to find that motivation and drive within. But when even…
Bodyweight Movement
Fitness is not just a workout. Its not a diet. Its not a fad. Its not even about the kettlebells, the barbell, the sandbag or the hammer. Its a lifestyle. Its every…
Burpees Free Zone - Just Kidding
Q&As What’s the one best exercise to lose weight? What exercises should I do if I don’t have access to a gym? What’s the best exercise for…
300 Burpees Challenge
Hell why not I say. My guys weren’t all too please to hear that. What were they expecting on the last session of the year. It had to be challenging. I personally…
Movement, Chaos, Stillness
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. Our training sessions is dedicated to Movement, Chaos and Stillness. One has to focus, be controlled,…
Best Bodyweight Workout
SMR + Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Jump Rope for 3mins 60x Jump Squat 30x Press-ups 60x Crunches 30x Back Extensions Shake yourself loose and the repeat as many…
1000 Reps Workout Challenge
Matt one of our members mentioned a 1000 reps workout challenge in 1 hour just before our training session this evening. So instead of working for time in our group…
Strength Endurance Training using Dumbbells & Bodyweight
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Weapon of choice Dumbbells or you can choose Kettlebells 10x Half TGU (5reps each side) + 30secs x 6 Point Burpees + 10x Renegade…
Bodyweight Exercises for Conditioning & Fat Loss
“In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls…
Summer Bodyweight Workout
Truly bodyweight conditioning training. Nothing other than your body and some space, preferably outdoors in the sun. So lets begin: Mobility Warm-up Then: 20 x Burpees…
Workout of the Week - Kettlebell Metcon 101
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise, 15/30 seconds rest Double Handed Swings 6 point Burpees Then: 3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise,…