Indian Jori
In these modern times, people love to go to gym for aesthetically pleasing body shape. They all love to drink protein powder shakes and inject steroids, but after…

Valentine's Day Massacre Workout Part 2
Part2: It’s simply continued effort. Not once or twice. Its forever. I am afraid… actually I’m not cause success in anything requires a lot of…

Valentine's Day Massacre Workout Part 1
Part1… Its getting started. Its digging deep into your core. And it getting it done… now. Dynamic Warm-up Then: 45s Single KB Double handed Swings +…

Monday Morning Personal Training Session
Monday morning personal training start-up: “Driving to succeed overnight may look and feel good, but it’s unstable. Setting out to succeed for a lifetime…

Strength Endurance Training using Dumbbells & Bodyweight
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Weapon of choice Dumbbells or you can choose Kettlebells 10x Half TGU (5reps each side) + 30secs x 6 Point Burpees + 10x Renegade…

Workout of the Week - Kettlebell Metcon 101
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise, 15/30 seconds rest Double Handed Swings 6 point Burpees Then: 3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise,…

Workouts of the Week
Another week another set of workouts completed but the hunger still remains. Now for a Prelude Monday Solo: Warm-up Then: 8 x Bench Press + 20 x Box/Bench Jumps…

Weekly Workout Digest
We’ve had a a very busy week of training individuals and groups from boxers and rugby players to weekend warriors and those wanting fat loss and get fit as…
Bloody Dumbbell Complex
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Dumbbell Complex 5x Hammer Curls 10x Alternate Overhead Press (5 each arm) 10x Overhead Lunges (5 each leg) 10x Bent Over Rows 20x Stiff Legged…

Block Training Session - Kettlebells & Bodyweight
Total Body Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Block 5x High Pulls 5x Cleans 5x Overhead Lunges 5x Push Press 5x Stiff Legged Deadlift (Single if you are can)…

Kettlebell Hell Workout
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up (as always) Then: Goblet Squat to Halo (at the bottom position) + Press-up to Alternate Groiner to Sit-Out Hip Drive 3 sets 60seconds per…
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 8x Deadlifts + 10x Pull-ups or Press-ups + 1min Mountain Climbers + 1min Burpees + 2min Rest Compete 3 Rounds Then: 10x Forward Lunges + 10x…
Friday Mayhem Training
There are no limitations in what you can do.. Except… The limitations of your own mind…. One of the biggest hurdles is negative thinking….. Really, If you…
Kettlebell Pyramid HIIT
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 30secs Double Handed Swings + 60secs Sumo Squats + 30secs Rest + 45secs Snatch L + 60secs Press-ups + 30secs Rest + 60secs Alt Swings…

RAW Inferno Training Session
Bodyweight Programme Dynamic Warm-up Then: 40seconds work 20seconds rest 6rounds per exercise rest 1 minute after finishing the 4th round Bottoms-up Press-ups (negatives)…
Power Endurance
Dynamic Warm-up then: 50x Hindu Press-ups to Burpee Pull-ups Then: 5000m Row trying to maintain between1.50min-2mins/500m Then: 50m Sandbag Zercher Farmer Walk 50m…