Be your own gym. No equipment no excuses. This is a sure fire way to get into a shape if you are out of shape. For elite athletes this is nice finisher at the end of the workout to boost your metabolism (just one round will do – don’t be a super hero). So all in all this you against you.
Dynamic Warm-up
Mobility Work
Followed by:
30 seconds High Knees
30 seconds Yoga Press-ups
30 seconds Jumping Lunges
30 seconds Back extensions with Scapula Depression (empty pull-downs)
30 seconds Bastards
30 seconds Thai Boxing Press-ups
30 seconds Butt Kicks
30 seconds Prone Bridge 1 arm March
30 seconds Jack Knife Deadlifts
30 seconds Leg Swoop
2×20 minutes rounds of Body Weight Exercises. Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
Cool down and stretch