Saturday 3-5-2010
Combat Conditioning
Dynamic Warm:
Total Body Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
10x Squats
10x X Jumping Jacks
10x Seal Jumps
10x Forward Stride Jacks
10x Back Bridges
10x Supine Single Leg Straight raises
10x Bent Knee Iron Cross
10x Bird Dog
10x Outside Straight Leg Raise
10x Outside Bent Knee Raises
10x Quadrant Position Knee Circling Out to In
10x Quadrant Position Knee Circling In to Out
10x Scorpions
10x Alternate Groiners
10x Groiners
5x Clap Press
5x Tuck Jumps
1x Burpees +
3x Punches +
2x Burpees +
6x Punches +
3x Burpees +
9x punches…
Continue till consecutive 10 Burpees have been completed
Rest 3 minutes
10x Squat Jumps +
10x Left Kicks +
10x Right Kicks
Rest 2 minutes and repeat 3 sets/rounds
Receive various punches from your training partner to the face with Guard up and without the guard and body shots
Cool down, Stretch and Recover