Monday Morning
Mobility Drills with Bands
Indian Clubbells Exercises
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Cleans
Kettlebell Push Press
Kettlebell Rack Squat
Kettlebell High Pulls
Complete all 5 exercises, 5 reps per exercise with right then left for 5 sets.
Rest as and when required between exercises but keeping it a minimal. After completing each set on both side rest for 90seconds to 2 minutes.
Cool down
Group PT Session – Bodyweight Circuit Conditioning
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
Triceps Dips +
Pike Press-ups +
Inverted Suspended Rows/Pull-ups +
Single Leg Squats +
Hindu Squat +
Boot Strappers +
Flutter Kicks +
V-ups +
6 inches static crunch
45/60 seconds per exercise with 15/30seconds rest after each exercise or after every 3 exercises. After completing the full round Rest 60/90 seconds.
Complete 3/4 rounds
Cool down and Stretch
Body Weight Workout Circuit Training Conditioning Equipment High Intensity Interval Training Kettlebells Power Endurance Workouts