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Wednesday Kettlebell Mayhem

They said they want it to tax them physically and mentally today. Well here it is: Intermediate Levels Kettlebell Complex Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Double Handed…

Valentine Rawat 05/10/2011

Group Kettlebell Metcon session

Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Muscle Activation Followed by the workout: 1min x KB High Pulls (left) 30secs x Wideouts 1min x KB High Pulls (right) 30secs x Wideouts…

Valentine Rawat 01/06/2011

Strength Training Monday 12-7-2010

Session 1 – Strength Training Mobility Warm-up Then: 2×20 Bodyweight Squats 2×15 Barbell Jump Squats 5×5 Barbell Squats Then: Single arm Indian…

Valentine Rawat 12/07/2010

Kettlebell Circuit Monday 29-3-2010

Monday 29-3-2010 Kettlebell Circuit Double handed swing 28 kg men/16 kg women + Burpees + Snatch left, 24 kg/8-12 kg women + Snatch right 24 kg/8-12 kg women + Jack…

Valentine Rawat 29/03/2010

Wednesday 17-2-2010

Wednesday 17-2-2010 Morning Session 1 Hour Bike Ride Then: 50x Pull ups Broken down in 5×10 reps with little rest in between. Evening Session Dynamic Mobility…

Valentine Rawat 18/02/2010