Friday Chaos Training
10minutes Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 8x Zercher Squats 50/60% Max 8x Kneeling to Squats Bodyweight 8x Double KB Snatch 8x Plyo Press-ups (clap) 500m x Row (all…
Hill Sprints
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 1x Right Side Shuffle 5m + Forward Hill Sprint 50m + Jog back to Recover + 1x Left Side Shuffle 5m + Forward Hill Sprint 50m Jog back…
Integrated Animal Flow Drills with Sprint Training
Do you know what is proven to work time and time again to get all those people that are in great shape; its the old school way. Put in the work, commit to your training,…
Team Work Hill Sprint Session
Remember there is not “I” in “Team”. We go as a unit and come out stronger as a UNIT. Light Jog + Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: TM 1: 1x…
Friday Speed Session
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5x 45secs Sprints + 45secs Rest 5x 30secs Sprints + 30secs Rest 5x 15secs Sprints + 15secs Rest This to be done on a flat ground. Grass or…