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Kettlebell Strength Endurance Work

Kettlebell Strength Endurance Work

Mobility Drills + Kettlebell Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Jerks 1st Set – 2x20kg – 16reps 1st set is done with static hold in top position. Static hold is…

Valentine Rawat 10/01/2012
Kettlebells MetCon 101

Kettlebells MetCon 101

Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 20x Single KB Double Handed Swings 20x Single KB Single Arm Swings (right then left) 20x Single KB Release and Catch Double Handed…

Valentine Rawat 09/11/2011

Kettlebells for Strength

10 minutes Mobility Work + SMR Then: KB Warm-up (lightish bell) 20x Sling Shots + 10x Halos + 10x Good Mornings (KB in front of your chest) 2 rounds in total Then:…

Valentine Rawat 06/09/2011

Group Kettlebell Metcon session

Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Muscle Activation Followed by the workout: 1min x KB High Pulls (left) 30secs x Wideouts 1min x KB High Pulls (right) 30secs x Wideouts…

Valentine Rawat 01/06/2011

Strength and Conditioning Wednesday 7-7-2010

“You cannot just tell people you’re committed. You cannot just say you’re dedicated. You cannot simply talk about your strength, your grit, your…

Valentine Rawat 07/07/2010

Monday WOD 2-11-09

Monday WOD 1-11-09 Tabata Interval Training – Strength and Endurance Warm up The: Main Work: 8 rounds 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest (4 minutes in total per…

Valentine Rawat 02/11/2009

Tuesday War on Kettlebells 20-10-09

Tuesday War on Kettlebells 20-10-09 Warm up as usual Then: 5 prong attack is 5 Kettlebell exercises 10 reps per arm 5 rounds Left arm – Swing + Cleans + Press…

Valentine Rawat 21/10/2009

Wednesday Workout 30-9-09

Wednesday’s workout Dynamic Warm-ups Then: Band Split Romanian Deadlift + Band Bent Over Row + Band High Pull + Band Hammer Curls + Band Squat and Over Head…

Valentine Rawat 30/09/2009

Monday WOD 14-9-09

24kg Kettlebells Push Press 10 x 1 minute work, 1 minute rest

Valentine Rawat 15/09/2009