10 minutes Mobility Work + SMR
KB Warm-up (lightish bell)
20x Sling Shots +
10x Halos +
10x Good Mornings (KB in front of your chest)
2 rounds in total
Heavy Kettlebell Work
3×5 Cleans 2x32kg +
3×5 Alternate OVH Presses
Supersets – Rest upto 2 minutes between each set
3×8 Bent Over Alternate Rows 2x32kg (8 each side) +
3×8 KB Hammer Curls 1x32kg (grab the horns of the bell)
Supersets – Rest upto 2 minutes between each set
3×3 Double Windmills 2x32kg (1 KB OVH and 1 hanging low) +
3×10 Double Swings 2x32kg
Rest upto 2 minutes between each set
Cool Down and Band Mobility work (eg. Shoulder dislocation…)