Bloody Dumbbell Complex
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Dumbbell Complex 5x Hammer Curls 10x Alternate Overhead Press (5 each arm) 10x Overhead Lunges (5 each leg) 10x Bent Over Rows 20x Stiff Legged…
Turbo Charged Endurance Thursday 3-6-2010
Turbo Charged Endurance – WOD to push your heart and lungs to the max. Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 20x Rope Pull-ups + 60 seconds Rope Undulation + 30x…
Friday WOD 30-10-09
Friday WOD 30-10-09 Warm-up Then: 20 x left & right Ring wood-chops + 20 x left & right Hammer work + 20 x left & right Ring Roll-outs + 20 x Tyre flips…