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5 weeks get super strong training programme is strength and conditioning programme to get you super strong and super lean. Now, yes it is a 5 week programme but this will have to cycled every 5/6 weeks and its a year long, in fact a life long commitment. Because if you know our philosophy, you know there are no shortcuts. Please be aware that you will need learn all the relevant techniques and perform them with level best each and every time. If you do not know some of the exercise then do not just youtube it, find a strength and conditioning coach or a good personal trainer where you are to ensure that you are technical skills are up to par. I am one such humble strength coach and personal trainer based in Leeds UK,  if you require further assistance and technical help. Anyway lets get on with it that is, if you have actually bothered to read this at all.

Week 1
Lower Body
Habitual Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
2×20 Back Squats (Light BB)
2×20 Front Squats (Light BB)
2×20 Jump Squats (NO BB)
5×6/8 Back Squats 60% 1REP MAX
3×2 Back Squats 80% 1REP MAX
Rest 2/3 minutes between each set
Supplementary Exercises
2×10 Split Squats or Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats
2×10 Goblet Squats
Rest 1/2 minutes
Cool down and SMR work

Take a pick of any 5 Bodyweight Exercises that you hate and Tabata the bleep out of it. Here is an example:
Hight Knees
Tuck Jumps
Dead Cockroaches

Olympic Lift and Deadlift
Habitual Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
2×10 Single Leg Stiff Legged Deadlift (LIght BB)
2×10 Kettlebell Swings
5×3 Power Cleans or Hang Cleans
Rest 2/3 minutes between each set
5×5 Deadlift 60% 1REP MAX
3×2 Deadlift 80% 1REP MAX
Rest 2/3 minutes between each set
Supplementary Exercises
3×10 Single Arm Rows
3×5 Wide Grip Pull-ups
3×5 Close Grip Chin-ups
3×10 Biceps Curls (hell why not. I bet you have a holiday coming up)
Appropriate rest time
Cool down + SMR Work

Active Rest: Take a Brisk Walk to be honest do this as often as you can. 30 minutes should suffice. Here is an excuse to get a dog that you will have to walk every morning. If you already have a dog then what’s your excuse.

Upper Body
Habitual Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
2×10 Bench Press or Floor Chest Press or Swiss Ball (I’m too poor to have a bench) (Light BB, DB or KB)
2×10 Close Grip Press-ups on Floor or Swiss Ball or Medicine Ball
3×6/8 Strict Overhead Press 50/65% 1 REP MAX
5×3 Push Press or Jerks 80% 1 REP MAX
Rest 2/3 minutes between each set
5×5 Bench Press or Floor Chest Press or Swiss Ball 65% 1 REP MAX
5×3 Clap Press-ups
Rest 2/3 minutes between each set
Supplementary Exercises
2×10 Jammer Press with BB
2xFaliure Dips or Weighted Dips
Underground Strength
1/2 Round
6x Tyre Flips with Jumps +
20x Hammer Slams or Med Ball Slams
20m x Prowler Push + Pull or Sand Bag Zercher Farmers Walk

Active Rest Day – Family Day – DIY Day or if you feel you have some more in you then find a Hill and preform some hill sprints. 5/10 sets should suffice. Do not over do it. Get a massage.

Total Rest Day

Week 2, 3, & 4
Follow the same programme but increase the weights by 5% or thereabouts each week.

Week 5
Test your new 1 REP MAX for all major lifts: Squats, Deadlift, Military Press, Bench Press. You have to preform 2 reps on each weight to determine your new 1 REP MAX.

Week 6
You can either take a week out or start from the top but this time you will be working from your new 1 REP MAX. You may alter the training and add different supplementary exercises.

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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