Explosive Whip Smash Friday 24th September 2010
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 20x KB Snatch (10 side) + 30secs Rope Undulation + 20x KB Snatch (10 side) + 45secs Rope Undulation + 20x KB Snatch (10 side) + 60secs Rope…
Interval Weight Training Wednesday 2-6-2010
Interval Weight Training – with Rawfit group session Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 45 seconds KB Snatch per arm – aim for 12 reps per arm + 3 minutes…
Power Endurance Monday 31-5-2010
Power Endurance Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3×5 Barbell Snatch 2×15 Overhead Squats Then: 1 minute x 32kg Kettlebell Snatch per arm + 2 minutes x 24kg…
Tuesday 16-2-2010
Tuesday 16-2-2010 Mobility Warm up Followed by: 100x Left Kettlebell Snatches 100x Right Kettlebell Snatches Break it down to 10×10, 20×5, 25×4, 100×1…
Wednesday WOD 4-11-09
Wednesday WOD 4-11-09 Power Endurance Warm-up Then: 10 x Kettlebell Snatch + 10 x Single Arm Row + 10 x Suitcase Deadlift + 10 x Overhead Lunges + 10 x Renegade…
Tuesday WOD 27-10-09
Tuesday Workout of the day 27-10-09 Dynamic warm up Then: 5-5-5 Kettlebell complex (5 prong attack) one arm a 5 exercises 5 reps 5 rounds of: Left Swing + Left Cleans…
Wednesday Strength Work 16-9-09
Strength Work Dynamic Warm-up Then: 2 x 32kg Kettlebells Single handed Suitcase Deadlift (L+R) 5 rounds – 6 reps Then: 15 x Kettlebells High Pulls (L+R) +…