This is fast, explosive workout. Move fast but keep your form 100%.
Dynamic Warm-up +
Kettlebell Warm-up
Double handed Kettlebell Swings +
Mountain Climbers +
Cleans +
Tuck Jumps +
Cleans +
Jumping Lunges +
Snatches +
Press-ups +
Snatches +
Plank with Lateral Thrusters
15 seconds per exercises. Rest 30 seconds between rounds.
Complete 15 rounds in total thats 45 minutes of solid hard work.
10x Straight Leg Crunches +
10x Straight Leg Raises from 45degree angle to 90degree angle
10secs x Scissor Kicks
10secs x Straight Leg hold few inches of the floor
Complete 2 rounds
Stretch and cool down